Why do we need a recovery high school in Lane County?

Oregon ranks third highest nationally for the rate of substance use disorder among adolescents

Mental Health America’s 2023 rankings

Drug-related deaths among teenagers increased over 600% in Oregon between 2019 and 2021

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Nearly 50% of all high school students currently use an addictive substance

Oregon Recovery High School Initiative

Something different is possible

70% of teens that attend a recovery high school after completing treatment report maintaining sobriety for at least 6 months to a year.

Oregon Recovery High School Initiative

Empowering hope and access to every student in recovery

“My daughter grew so much as a person, and is on a path to recovery that at one time, I did not think was possible.

She found the people that saw her for who she was, and she wasn’t judged by the things that she maybe had done in her past or anything that had happened, but who she is as a person, who she is on the inside.

And really, empathy is the killer of shame.”

- C.G.

The Need

Our community needs help supporting youth with substance abuse challenges.

Support for youth trying to start fresh and live a substance-free life needs to be in a space focused on supporting healthy habits and lifestyles.

Currently the only other recovery high schools in Oregon are in the Portland area. Lane County does not have this schooling option available for students. A centrally located recovery high school program in Lane County means our youth have a school home that is connected to the community where they live and transportation and distance are no longer barriers.

Learn More

‘Hard to get sober young’: Inside one of the country’s few recovery high schools

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